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  • Summary

    my country's manufacturing industry is the main force in my country's exports. A large number of exports and relatively low imports have created my country's trade surplus. In the past, my country's manufacturing industry had low raw material costs, sufficient human resources, and low labor costs, which attracted a large amount of capital to invest in the country; it played a major role in economic growth. With the rapid development of my country's economy; inflation, RMB appreciation, and rising prices and land costs have caused the cost of my country's manufacturing industry to rise rapidly, and the low-cost advantage of my country's manufacturing industry has gradually weakened.

    In contrast, the relatively poorly developed countries in Southeast Asia have increased their attraction to foreign investment and accelerated the development of their manufacturing industries with their low costs; they are following China's "old path." On the other hand, after the 2008 financial crisis, developed countries recognized the importance of the real economy for maintaining the stability of the developed countries' economies and introduced a "reindustrialization" strategy; especially in the high-end manufacturing sector, a large number of industries returned.

    However, because my country's manufacturing industry has long been at the bottom of the value chain of the international division of labor; it is mainly based on basic industries such as processing and reprocessing, and its investment in high-end intelligent manufacturing is minimal. Therefore, our country is facing a situation where low-end industries are gradually being eroded by Southeast Asian countries, and high-end industries cannot compete with developed countries.

    This article studies the current situation of my country's manufacturing industry and points out the difficulties encountered by my country's manufacturing industry and its deep-seated reasons; combined with the industrialization development experience of developed countries and my country's actual national conditions, the development trend of my country's manufacturing industry is demonstrated.

    The first chapter is the introduction. Introduce the topic background and significance, research object and purpose, research methods and ideas, and literature review of this article to study the development trend of manufacturing industry.

    The second chapter focuses on analyzing the current situation of my country's manufacturing industry. Starting from the international competitiveness of my country's manufacturing industry, it analyzes the current difficulties encountered by my country's manufacturing industry, and analyzes the overall level of my country's manufacturing industry in the development process in combination with the world's division of labor value chain.

    The third chapter discusses the experience of industrial development in developed countries, especially the development experience of German Industry 4.0, to demonstrate the development of my country's manufacturing industry.

    The fourth chapter is a summary of the full text, summarizing the development direction and precautions of my country's manufacturing industry.

    Keywords: manufacturing, transformation, division of labor, value chain, development trend

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